BulletSafe is happy to accept a Purchase Order from your city, police department, fire department, EMS company, or educational institution. You can print this page and fax it in, or you can give the information included here to your purchasing agent and have them use the format they normally use. P.O.'s are usually submitted via fax but they can also be emailed to: help@priveco.com or physically mailed to our remit-to address below. Of course, you can always order our bulletproof vests online.
The BulletSafe Bulletproof Vest Offline Order Form
Ship To: |
Addr: |
Addr: |
City/St/Zip: |
Ph: |
P.O. Number: _____________________ |
Purchasing Contact: _____________ |
Ph: ______________________ |
email: _________________________ |
Bill To: |
Addr: |
Addr: |
City/St/Zip: |
Ph: |
Total Qty.
Unit Price
BulletSafe Vests - Class IIIA |
__________ |
Class IV Protective Plates |
(one size)
Shipping |
$8 per item
Tax - MI residents pay 6% |
6% or 0%
Total |
Total |
Remit To: PriveCo Inc.
352 Oliver Dr.
Troy, MI 48084
Ph: 1-248-457-6877
Fax: 1-248-817-6974
Terms: Net 30 days
Frequently Asked Questions about Ordering with a P.O.:
What are the payment terms. Payment is net 30 days. You will be invoiced when the vest ships, which is usually within 1 business day of P.O. submission.
How are invoices sent? Invoices are sent via the U.S. Mail or UPS to the Bill-to address provided.
What payment methods are accepted? A check from your municipality or school account. For credit card payments, please order online here.