BulletSafe Bulletproof Vests to Sponsor ANME Show

Bulletproof Vest company BulletSafe is happy to announce our sponsorship of the Army Navy Military Expo in Las Vegas. This expo brings together Army/Navy and Surplus buyers from across the globe to find items that customers want.
Many Army/Navy stores do not currently sell new bulletproof vests. This is because other brands of vests are not affordable. Instead, many surplus stores sell used equipment. This is not optimal because bulletproof vests expire after 5 years. For these reasons, BulletSafe vests are seeing early success in the Army/Navy market.
Our first Army/Navy store, Harry's Army Surplus in Dearborn, Michigan is having great success with BulletSafe vests. Many security guards already shopped at Harry's because of their selection of boots, uniform clothing, and tactical gear. Bulletproof vests at an affordable price were an easy sale.
To expand sales into Army/Navy stores, BulletSafe is sponsoring the ANME show. Our name will appear multiple times and we have a great booth location as well. We are hoping that customers will stop by and see our display, which will feature a hands-on demonstration of what a vest looks like after it has been shot.
BulletSafe will also be offering sales help, answering questions, and will have a great show special for ANME participants. Look for Tom and Lisa at our booth.